Monday, November 24, 2008

The First Annual Twister FHE

Ladies and Gentleman, Hobos and Tramps, Cross-eyed Mosquitoes and Bowl-legged Ants

Welcome to the first annual FHE Twister Competition, the game that made getting tied in knots cool again. If the purpose of this meeting is to get you all to multiply and replenish the earth then lets just get a head start on it and get everybody in weird positions really close to each other.

The game began with some hesitant players but by the end of first game people were sweaty, angry but a little excited I would say. There was quite a bit of inter gender contact which as a FHE dad that's as good as your kid getting on the honor roll.

The second game began with a newly found desire to win for those that lost but we also implemented the "any contact" goes rule. This made the game a little more spicy and a whole lot more fun.

Right hand on blue, left foot on green, right foot and purple,left hand on yellow...and so the game continued. But as they started to drop like flies I noticed that I could use my stork like legs to my advantage. While on my way to victory I spotted a stockier fellow moving my way move by move. As he approached me and came within a few dots I pretended like I didn't see him coming. Like a Venus fly trap I continued to play until I saw the opportune moment that I could snap. Then with my upper torso I gave him a good shove, knocked him down and assured myself a victory.

The sweet taste of victory engulfed my taste buds. I was a winner and it felt good.

After everybody was a little tired of the twister game we decided to continue the festivities on the twister board but by doing leg wrestles, Joe Smith "stick pull" and arm wrestling contests. I competed in the leg wrestle contest against the heavyweight division and my stork legs didn't do so hot and got thrown over. I'm not sure why girls arm wrestling each other is so entertaining but it was. And to cap the night off my fellow FHE dad decided to wrestle another girl in the group. After some good laughs and him almost getting beat, we wrapped up the evening with a treat and some good chit chat.

The first annual fhe twister competition was a success and it was the best $16 dollars the ward has spent in a long time. Amen

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How did you fall in love?

On a sunny day at the hospital, work had the same feeling as always. I finished my normal day to day morning work and then headed to the hospital cafe. As I walked towards the cafe I spotted a cute girl dressed in pink scrubs heading my way. I went through my complete game plan in only a matter of seconds. Give her the head nod with a smile, somehow try and stop her, exchange names, ask her on a date, kiss her on the first date and be married within the year. With my complete game plan set up we passed each other and made strong eye contact. I got nervous, my game plan broke down and time seemed to slow down as she passed me. She passed my quickly and I thought to myself,crap I should have talked to her. Another opportunity passed me to find my eternal mate, but I kept hope that I would see her again soon.

Later that night my cousin called me on the phone and asked me if I wanted to go on a double blind date. I had nothing else going on that night so I agreed. We went and picked up his date first and she wasn't anything amazing and not very cool. We then went to her friends house and waited for her in the car outside her apartment. As this very pretty girl walked down the stairs she looked strangely familiar. As she opened the car door, and sat down, I introduced myself to her. That good old fashion feeling I had felt earlier that day when time seemed to stop, I felt again. The beautiful pink scrubbed girl had a name, and she was sitting right next to me. My prayers were answered.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Letter Headed to Argentina

Hey Boo Boo!

Another busy week has passed and about to begin another tomorrow which im not too stoked about but I have no other choice. I went and talked to my counsler this week and I have three semesters and an internship left till graduation. So it looks like Ill be doing next semester, do an internship this summer hopefully in san francisco with a guy that rich cook knows, then do 2 semesters after that and walk in april 2010! Its nice to be close to being done and start looking at the future. If you didnt know Cam Im not pre dental anymore but in the advertising and marketing department, lots of fun creative stuff. I left the fun dental stuff to you my mine because I felt that you would be much better than me and somebody needs to carry on the tradition, and fix my three cavities a year for the rest of my life and eventually do my dentures.

I went to a rock gym with some friends this weekend and that may be newest most favorite thing. Its a workout and its really fun, but I tore my hands up so i need to wait a little till i return. So we all bought passes at the canyons this year and we have already had a snow storm so hopefully were riding by thanksgiving this year. I talked to josh and were going to do grizzly gultch this year like you guys did. I met one of your old lady friends whose name is jen? and she is from idaho. She is a super cute girl and if she's single when you get home I think you need to date her.

Anywho...hope all is well in los labores misionales. I having been reading in the d and c and am going to include a little note from my scripture journal, hope it helps you in some way. Love you big guy and hope that everything continues to go well. Cuidate and nos vemos pronto.

aqui esta algunos pensamientos de mi diario misional:

D&C 121

V.34 “Many are called, but few are chosen”- This scripture applies really well to both missionary work and my day to day life. It tells us that those that are called but not chosen, have set their hearts much upon the things of the world, and aspire to the honors of men. As far as missionary work it applies because those investigators will usually and one point or another feel the Spirit but enjoy their addictions too much to gain a greater portion of the Spirit. And because they care more about what other people like their family might say to them then what God is telling them.

This principle can also be applied to people that are already members of the church. Sometimes we lose sight of should be most important to us like family, the gospel for things like money, sports, the media…or can even be something that’s potentially good like exercising. When we make enough time in our week to exercise three times a week but cant find time to read the scriptures three times a week then I feel that we have set our heart upon the things of the world. I am a huge culprit of this error and have told myself that I will not do the things that I enjoy like exercising, playing sports, going out, etc. until I have fulfilled my spiritual responsibilities first.